Saturday, September 29, 2007

Work-life balance .... Where are we today? Where are we heading?

After having consistently put in some crazy hours, and still managing to have more left on my plate, I came to ponder over this oft referred term. Does it really exist, can any firm really offer this truly wonderful incentive (which may just be the outcome of some rather creative marketing from HR!!?)

It has been my experience that no matter which part of the world you work in, and no matter in what capacity, the organization will always demand all of your time. But it is up to you to decide how much you plan to give it. Once you make that decision, everything else adjusts to it. But more than we would like to admit, we are just spending a lot of time and effort in the hope of that elusive promotion/bonus. In the bargain we forget to enjoy the present time and company we have.

The reason I talk about this is, that if we look around (irrespective of which part of the world you are in) the very fabric of society which once centered around family .... is now deteriorating. The problem is probably more aggravated in the west but the east is not really that far off. In fact the West has probably seen the results this has had on society and is making an effort to bring back some of the older tenets of society and family. Whereas in the East job opportunities, education, and exciting career prospects are making people go further and further away from home.

Travelling to distant lands and foreign countries, exploring new places and cuisines is great fun .... but believe me after a while the novelty wears off and you yearn for everything that was once so close to you and is now so far away.