The Secret Ingredient
Yesterday, Ina & I went to see 'Kung Fu Panda' (it is an animated movie). We both thoroughly enjoyed it. Apart from the humor and picturization, I liked the movie for another reason .... the subtle message it conveyed.
No matter who you are and where you are, if you believe yourself to be capable of something you will be able to achieve it. If you doubt yourself, you have already sowed the seeds of disappointment / defeat.
One must always remember that the most important part of the path to success is YOU !! Never doubt yourself .. if you fall ... pick yourself up .. learn and move on. Listen to all the teachings of wise people around you ... but learn to trust yourself and discern for yourself. It is important to make your own decisions, because you are the only person you knows 'you' best!
If you believe that you are luckiest person in the world, then let no one tell you otherwise. Believe in it, and soon you will see everyone else believe it too.
Man's ability to influence others with his thought, and be influenced by the thought of others, is what I believe to be the most incredible characteristic of mankind.
The secret ingredient to happiness/success is YOU.